For More Sales, Create a Landing Page: A well-conceived landing page sends the right signals about your company and can help boost conversion rates

By Mikal E. Belicove|For Entrepreneur magazine|November 1, 2009

More often than not, businesses that pay to advertise or promote their products or services send everyone to the same place: the home page of their company website. Unfortunately, when you send everyone to a home page packed with multiple messages and calls to action, and navigation that distracts from the purpose of your promotion, it’s difficult to get your visitors to do exactly what you want them to do (not to mention nearly impossible for you to effectively track ROAI, or return on advertising investment).

Successful marketers, especially ones accountable for ROAI, regularly use landing pages to capture qualified leads and make sales. Website landing pages are like the endcaps you see in a store–the displays at the end of store aisles showcasing specific products and summoning customers to buy now. An effective landing page devoted to a single product or service offering, or one matching up with a message-specific referring advertisement, can significantly boost leads and conversion rates.

To create a top-notch landing page, follow these five simple steps…

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