Why Facebook’s Friends May Fade

By Mikal E. Belicove|For Entrepreneur.com|July 22, 2011

This won’t come as welcome news to the folks at Facebook, but its customer-satisfaction ratings aren’t much to boast about.

Among its social-media peers, Facebook landed at the bottom of the keeping customers-happy list, according to the 2011 American Customer Satisfaction Index E-Business Report. With a score of 66 out of 100, only airlines, subscription TV and newspapers fared less favorably with consumers.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, the ACSI E-Business Report enables businesses to track customer satisfaction in three categories: social media, portals and search engines, and online news. And — as in last year’s report — social media sites continue to lag significantly behind other e-businesses in maintaining consumer satisfaction rankings. The category earned a paltry 70 score out of 100.

While Facebook remains at the bottom of the heap, the social-networking utility did actually make a modest 3 percent gain over last year’s score of 64. ACIS surmises that Facebook’s size domination might be a factor in the improved figures. After all, Facebook is approaching one billion users. Wikipedia and YouTube scored 78 and 74 in the latest report, respectively.

So what does this mean for you and your business?

In my experience…

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